quick links to references
Phil Liggett, Voice of the Tour de France

You are exceptional and unique in the work you do with Bike Friday.
I have always relied on you for information and detail relating to your
work with the company when working on many shows for the American
You know your business, having ridden around the world on a BF folding
bicycle over a seven years, and your contacts in such a
specialized trade is second to none.
You must continue your worthwhile work in
getting people to ride bikes and assist in designing an eco-friendly
environment with sustainable transport. Your background does not have a
rival as you are the most experienced person I know.
I believe the last time we met was in Sydney's Darling Harbor and we
finished up in the social pages of the Sydney Telegraph! So clearly
everyone knew of you!
Your continuing work can only be of benefit to others there, and I wish you every success.
Yours sincerely,
Phil Liggett
International TV Commentator with OLN, ESPN, NBC and CBS television
Story: Lynette shares a Pocket Rocket salad with Phil
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Lon Haldeman, Race Across America record holder, Ultramarathon
Cycling Champion.

I was aware of Lynette's outstanding contribution to the
cycling world for several years, via the Bike Friday
website. As Race Across America official,
coast-to-coast tandem record holder, and cross-country bicycle tour
operator, I know that it is hard to convince our
society of the importance of fitness as we
I invited Lynette to accompany me on my
inaugural "Highest Paved Road in the World (Peru)" expedition in
October 2004, with goals being a) to open the minds of
performance cyclists to integrating culture with training and
performance touring and b) to raise funds for an impoverished Peruvian
orphanage and school. Lynette produced an outstanding feature length, commemorative movie which has stimulated a tremendous amount of interest in, and
appreciation of, both cycling and a foreign culture, to audiences
who have seen it.
On a day to day front, Lynette Chiang is unique as a marketing person
because she practice what she preaches. She doesn't just make up
advertising slogans to sell products. She uses these products and
her enthusiasm is obvious without contrived hype. Although
Lynette is a petite woman she is a powerhouse when influencing the
women's (and men's) cycling market. She is a benefit to
the American cycling industry and a great example of what can be
accomplished with persistence and intelligence.
Lon Haldeman
Six Time Race Across America Record Holder, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1986,
1987, 1992
Director of Race Across America and Pacific Atlantic Cycling Tours, www.pactour.com
Biking the World's Highest Paved Road with Lon Haldeman
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John Climaldi, Former Events Director, Hawaii Bicycling League, comments on Route66 by Bicycle: Pedaling the Mother Road.
Lynette, you have outdone yourself. I thought the Handsomest Man in Cuba was good, but this proves you are a media powerhouse. It is very well done. The music is perfect (and I mean perfect), the breaks between stills and motion are in all the right places giving the viewer a emotional sense of placement, and the transitions are creative keeping the clips fresh. The rider credits at the end tell me a lot about you Lynette. You share the limelight with your riders, a dog, and even a stuffed animal! The movie is about the ride, and you weave a tapestry of the good days, the bad days, and the inspiring days. You are an adventurous caring person full of so much life. Humorous, introspective, and adventure wrapped up in a 57 minute DVD. Amazing. And to think you did it all with a digital camera and your 12" Mac. Really amazing. The best movie I've seen in a long time....
John Climaldi, john4bho at mac dot com
Galfromdownunder in Hawaii
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Jerry Norquist / Executive Director / Cycle Oregon

I have had the opportunity to work with Lynette on a number of bicycle
related projects and on each one she was a driving force in formulating
I have spent my entire career in the bicycle industry and in those
thirty years I have had the opportunity to work with numerous people
connected with sustainable transportation problems and Lynette is one
of the best I have worked with. She has strong writing and marketing
skills and she is effective in bridging concepts and establishing
Cycle Oregon is a
non-profit organization dedicated to bicycling enjoyment, safety and
education. All proceeds from the ride go to the Oregon Community Fund,
which helps preserve and protect the special places of Oregon and
supports community development projects in the regions through which we
Cycle Oregon would be delighted to have someone with Lynette's
abilities on our staff. I hope that she is able to remain in United
States so that we might have that opportunity. She is a valuable asset to alternative transportation planning in the United States - intelligent, energetic, and very knowledgeable about bicycling
Jerry Norquist
BTA (Bicycle
Transportation Alliance) board member
Cycle Oregon multimedia
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Allen, Past Bike Friday Marketing Director:
Despite outward appearances, Bike Friday is not
an easy place to work. The pressures of marketing
the world's leading performance travel bicycle - a custom, niche
product, manufactured entirely with American labor to a discerning and
wealthy audience, not to mention coordinating the efforts of 25
eclectic in-house creative folks - demands a special kind of marketer.
Lynette has perfected the 'customer evangelist' style of marketing.
This is the world-of-mouth kind of marketing that elevates customer
loyalty to near-fanaticism. She has her own fan club of Bike Friday
customers, who return to the web site and open the newsletters just to
read of her latest adventures and thoughts. She has an amazing ability
to make customers feel like a part of a community. This attitude has
led them to send photos, stories, videos, product reviews, and more
which we were able to draw on for virtually every marketing project. It
even enabled Bike Friday to outdistance cult brands such as Apple
Computer and Harley Davidson to win the coveted Saatchi & Saatchi
International Lovemarks
Poll in 2004 for the world's most beloved brand.
Lynette's high energy and creativity has helped her meet some
outrageous expectations at Bike Friday's new brochures, ads, and direct
mail pieces in just a few hours when necessary, and entire marketing
campaigns on a handful of dollars. She is great at seeing possibilities
and generating new ideas.
Lynette has remarkable staying power in a small department that has
burned through nearly a dozen people - including me - in as many years.
Few writers have Lynette's command over the English language. She is
able to take the most mundane information and create a sentence,
paragraph or story that will make you laugh out loud or see something
in a whole different light. She can tell a story such that you really
feel you are there, yet so concisely that you never tire of the
details. I only wish that I could achieve Lynette's prolific
storytelling ability and witty style in my own writing. If I need
writing services in the future, Lynette would be the first person I
would contact.
Kristin Allen
Past Marketing Director, Bike Friday
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Don Fannon, Bike Friday Customer, on the Customer Evangelist who "creates mindshare"
I see a Customer Evangelist's primary role as creating a positive experience
of a product and company behind it, for the benefit of current and
potential customers. A secondary role is providing an
additional conduit between the company and its prospects and customers.
There are many ways to observe successful evangelism but few ways to
measure it concretely. Hence, I'll provide some observations and
conclusions but only one feeble measurement.
Perhaps the best observation I can make is that to bump into Lynette
is to bump into Bike Friday. She tangibly represents the values,
ideals and mission of BF, a company which to me, even after buying a
Bike Friday, was simply a bicycle manufacturer/seller with a unique, excellent
product and laudable service. Lynette (and later other BFers) showed
me there was much more.
My only in-person encounter with Lynette was on Cycle Oregon '03.
At first she simply overshadowed all the other BF staffers. She was a
greeter, activities director, information clearinghouse and
cheerleader. It was plain that this woman defined a great time as
being with a bunch of cyclists. Of course, this
resonated nicely with we who were investing time and treasure to
participate in the ride exactly because we had similar views of great
Later, she deftly introduced the other BF staffers helping us connect
faces to phone voices and names to roles. She positioned each
to showcase the company by showcasing the talents, visions
and personality of each of her colleagues: Hanz with the Q demo,
Alan discussing the history and philosophy of the company, Marcus
sharing repair tips and how to best use the service department. This
is not easy stuff to "get" quickly, yet she made it appear effortless.
I've had plenty of other encounters with her as well. The
stream of YAK! blog posts, website articles and newsletter
content is simply a treat. Lynette's writing style, choices of places
to visit and people to discuss, musings on her evolving needs/uses of
BF bikes and configurations have shown many BF customers
how accessible a great biking experience can be. The
images she captures and shares bring that experience close and get us revved to sign up for a
tour, or ride our bike to work today, or just go for a spin out of
sheer delight that we are able to ride.
Another area where I'm sure Lynette has helped BF is her openness to exploring and meeting. Her
article on the Little People of America Convention, to pick one example, reminds us readers that each day is an opportunity for
tossing a preconception out the window. Her presence at this event
showed that BF can make cycling accessible and exciting for people who
thought it out of reach. A great piece of work.
Lastly, the feeble measurement I mentioned at the outset. Lynette's
activites get mindshare for BF from its existing and future customers;
that ephermeral and critical element of maintaining a connection
between (and among) them and the Friday community.
It is mindshare that made it automatic for me; the great 5,000+ miles I put on my NWT left a good
impression, but it was Lynette's doing that I never
considered keeping it for a travel bike and getting something else
as a daily rider. I'm lovin' it, the best bike I've ever owned.
It's mindshare that causes me to check that I have referral cards each
time I leave for a ride.
I certainly understand that my impression of BF has been
formed from a variety of impressions and experiences with many people
at BF and from the products themselves. Yet, many of those have been
influenced by Lynette's work and she deserves kudos. I doubt many
companies have evangelists so capable and so well-matched to their
role as BF has with Lynette Chiang. I'm looking forward to more
encounters in the future.
Don Fannon
Story: What does a Customer Evangelist Do On a Friday?
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John Chamberlain, Customer
To choose only a few of Ms Chiang's strongest personal attributes is a challenge for me; she has so very many terrific qualities.
I became acquainted with Lynette when considering the purchase of a Bike Friday about eight years ago. We have remained in contact since then and have been guests at each other's homes. I am both a client and a friend and I admire her tremendously.
Lynette's personality is infectious. Her enthusiasm is always pervasive when discussing products events or even during casual conversations. She is a tremendous salesperson.
Lynette is thorough about her product knowledge. With open questions, she is able to perform a "needs analysis" and then recommend specific solutions. She is then able to follow through by emphasizing how a product's features, functions and benefits will relate to the client's needs.
Lynette's communication skills are superb, whether on the phone, internet or in person. She is able to make her point, create interest and inspire follow-up.
Lynette is a special person, and I am delighted to write this letter of recommendation.
John Chamberlain
Sr. Vice President
BT Commercial Real Estate
201 California St. 8th Floor
San Francisco, Ca. 94111
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Customer, Lovemarks.com winnder, owner
of 3 Bike Fridays:
And so with the arrival of Lynette back in Oregon, her imprint, her
unmistakable spirit, her unique viewpoint again begins to infuse the
Bike Friday web site, and YAK. Do the Brothers value what you do
enough? Do they get that you express the exact message that they
want to convey? Do they understand it's not enough to simply have
a great company, but that you
have to be able to express the greatness to the public? That
expression is You. It's different when you're around, Lynette.
All of a sudden the clutter, confusion and business of the "new and
improved" home page is gone,
leaving the important basics and a one picture message, "THIS IS WHAT
ABOUT", whispered and shouted at the same time. All of a sudden,
as we come looking for bikes, we're offered the story of a 12-year
world traveler riding by, momentarily adopted, because you understand
your reason for being there is not strictly about bikes, but about
spirit, and if you tickle and wave spirit, the bike sales will always
therefrom flow.
Richard Vallens, 3x Bike Friday owner.
Read Lynette's
about Richard
winning the Toyota Prius in the Saatchi & Saatchi International
Lovemarks Poll.
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Zawadiwsky, Bike Friday
brings us a little closer to the ineffable simply by her
presence and actions. It is no small feat to visit parts unknown
with not much more than a little folding bike and supplies, and
maintain a high level of communication and compassion with everyone she
meets. She does not function well in a vacuum, forever seeking
new experiences and adventures. She is an
ombudsman not only for the bike company she represents, but for the
human condition. Down-to-earth and practical, she accurately
sizes up a situation and finds ways to make things work. In this
complicated world, she brings a refreshing perspective under sometimes
adverse conditions. Am I a better person simply by knowing
her? Yes, a more caring one, a more
observant one, a more compassionate one.
I met Don at Round*Up 2004: The Compact Bicycle Universe, Philadelphia.
Galfromdownunder report.
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Robert Pace, Bike Friday
Prospective Customer
Just to be clear, my motive is benign, pristine... well intended.
You are remarkable. Absolutely. Or, more accurately, the "you" presented
in writing and films gleaned from the world wide web; customer evangelist indeed!
I am in need of a new ride. When gas hit $3 in the U.S., (compared to the $12 a liter
I witnessed in Milan in 1990) gasp! three dollars!?!?, I bought a two wheeled
motorized vehicle for those days when I did not need the car (I have been
wishing for more such days lately); and now when it hit $4... well, time to get
back into cycling. Why did I stop anyway? I used to happily pound
mountain bike mile after mile in the Berkeley Oakland Hills once upon a care free collegiate time.
So my obsessive research began. Tourer? Custom Tourer? Road Bike? Hybrid? I have been riding my
boutique-steel beloved Wicked Fat Chance with road wheels happily from
time to time. Maybe repaint it, throw a rack on it, buy paniers, a light, maybe
fenders and be done with it -- after all, I convinced myself long long ago
when I paid too too too much for it, that I would ride it forever.
What's this? Bike Friday?
Interesting, but seems, well testosterone-less. I want to pound.
More research elsewhere.... but more hum drum. $1,500 to way way way too much, and
still despite moments of piqued enthusiasm that I had found what I
wanted / needed / craved, hum drum came back to mind. I think, while
myself not yet testosterone-less, that in fact I came to realize that
I have less testosterone; and what I do have is appropriately used
where it ought be used, rather than perched upon machinery that
deserves more talent than I could ever muster.
And this Bike Friday concept kept coming back to me, steered there elegantly by this Australian mirth -- call it happy chirp -- this voice in the back
ground of these videos I watched to research if the bike could in fact
be brought to respectable speed under the force of a proper peddle
stroke, this voice and manner made me feel and sense ... Fun. Fridays are fun!
So here I am, now convinced that a Friday is for me. I will be happy
with it, I am certain. And for that, I thank you. Remarkable.
Absolutely. You are. - Rob Pace, Pebble Beach CA, July 2008
Best Gal movies on YouTube
Desert Camp Customer Tribute
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Diane Evans, former Avalon Private Reserve co-owner, Costa Rica
Recommendation for Lynette Chiang: Hospitality
I was a co-owner of Avalon Reserve in Costa Rica when Lynette Chiang worked at our hotel in 2000 through 2001. Avalon welcomed volunteers from around the world and catered to guests looking for a unique experience in a beautiful cloud forest.
Lynette brought her own style of preparation of food to the kitchen at Avalon using freshly grown vegetables and fruits on the property and locally grown produce from nearby towns. The guests and volunteers were always wowed by the scrumptious meals and desserts she presented, using our minimal equipment and resources (two gas burners a microwave and basic staples). One of my favorites was the breakfast of berry muffins and pancakes served with a variety of innovative toppings.
In addition, Lynette expertly helped run the hotel, by taking on the food budgeting, weekly buying of produce, scheduling volunteer tasks, managing guest meet and greet, cleaning of rooms, doing building maintenance and even taking part in construction by sheetrocking and helping with the framing of a new wing. She put together a comprehensive manual so that my daughter and partner could smoothly take over the running of the hotel when she eventually moved on.
I spent many fun filled hours with Lynette and our guests in the kitchen which is always the heart of the home filled with memorable aromas and scents, laughter and conversation. I would highly recommend Lynette for her hard work ethic, inspiration, and creativity.
Diane Evans
diane dot evans2 at gmail dot com
Lynette with a spatula:
Doing the Dishes in County Kerry
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Lynette by email: galfromdownunder at gmail dot com
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