Gal from
down under






video | dvd

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My ad portfolio at-a-glance on Pinterest

video top

Video samples on YouTube

new! New World Trade Center and 911 Memorial (5 min) for Wall Street Mobile Development (private, to be released)

new! New York Skyscrapers: a short history (3 min) for Wall Street Mobile Development (private, to be released)

Booking it along the Amazon (90-second trailer): a 20 min fundraising DVD for charitable projects in Peru. Client: PACTOUR/FPC Global Outreach. Shot and edited with a Sony DSC-HX9V point & shoot camera

Handmade Bikes: The Buyer, the Builder, the Bling: 14-min mini-documentary. Client: Momentum Planet Magazine. Shot and edited with a Canon 8-mpix point & shoot camera. Music composed by Lynette Chiang

Round*Up Fast Fold Showdown | Story | Film Society of Lincoln Center GreenScreens Official Selection, 2009
greenscreens-logo official-selection-logo
2007 Bicycle Film Festival NYC

16,000 Feet on a Friday Trailer (3 min trailer) | Story | First feature length movie shot with a 3.2 mpix digital camera, 2004

Route 66 by Bicycle Trailer | Original article on Bike Friday website (now archived) | Pedaling the Mother Road (53 min DVD)

JAMTOWN: Intriguing Instruments | NY International Gift Fair profile of a Seattle importer of world instruments

Other videos

REMO: Selling the story not the stripey thing | Story | profile of an online retailer

Bike Friday's community marketing collaboration with 2 local businesses | Story

Cycle2City: A Commuter's Bicycling Facility | used by the Harvard School of Public Health and Design curriculum

Bike Friday's collaboration with local transit authority | Story

Bike Friday on the Catwalk Collaboration with NY Fashion Designer Telfar Clemens, 2008

Helmet Haricut from Bumble & Bumble | Making a trip to the hairdresser somehow work related

Longest Line in NYC | Women , 2008

The Pied Piper of Puna : David Hannauer, Ocarina Meister

Poledancing for the Modern Urban Cyclista | Story | Bobbie's Pole Studio

dvd movies top
Shot, edited, music arranged/composed by Lynette Chiang. Seen by cycling, travel and multimedia audiences worldwide and on PBS.

Peru Adventures: Biking, Books and School Building - Amazon to the Andes with PACTOUR
Shot, edited, produced this fundraising DVD for PACTOUR/F.P.C. Global OutReach Peru Charity projects led by Race Across America Legend Lon Haldeman
Movie clip | Read DVD sleeve | To acquire a copy, contact Lon Haldeman

Route 66 by Bicycle: Pedaling the Mother Road: 57-minutes, 2006.
Shot, edited 40 cyclists crossing the country on a 29-day anniversary expedition led by Race Across America Legend Lon Haldeman
Movie clip | Read DVD sleeve | Buy it

audience-choice-logoBoston Bike Film Festival 2005

16,000 Feet on a Friday: Biking the World's Highest Paved Road, 45 minutes, 2004.
Expedition over the 16,000 ft Ticlo Pass, Peru, led by Race Across America Legend Lon Haldeman. I was interviewed by Jim Clash of Movie clip | Read DVD sleeve | Buy it

writing top
Note: Some samples below reference archived images on the client site which may no longer be linked. Unfortunately I have no control over this.

business writing samples

new! Breaking news article
New Program Aims To Ease Flow Of Foreign Brands To Chinese Consumers for

HTML Email: monthly
Bike Friday Customer Email Special anniversary edition commemorating a decade of brand achievements. Links to this archived article. Copy, HTML coding

Newsletter: 8-page print/PDF
Bike Friday Quarterly Newsletter Print mailing to 3000 customers. Copy, Adobe Indesign layout

HTML B2B email
Bike Friday Dealer Email Monthly update for 34 worldwide distributors. Copy, HTML coding

Technical Manual: 72 page print/PDF
Bike Friday Recumbent Manual Instruction manual with accompanying DVD. Copy, images, DVD shoot/edit, Indesign Book layout

Product Catalog: 70 page print/PDF
Ciclismo Classico 2011 Tour Catalog (56 Mb PDF) Headlines, copy, chapter structure, some imagery

Product Catalog: 40 page print/PDF
Bike Friday Product Catalog: 5 Mb PDF. Covers shots (06, 07), copy, Indesign Book layout | Bike Friday catalog archive

Content Marketing for Partners
Three Great Italy Trips for Foodies Story marketing for B2B Partner Ciclismo Classico Tours

Corporate Customer Offer
Bike Friday online article with retail offer. Copy, offer strategy

blogging | My blogs Expert Blog
Blogging on copy, content and community since 2007

YoGanesh Blog
Content creator/strategist and blogger for, since 2012

2010: The Year of Saying "I Got It"     live link
On the perils of non-response. Top 10 post, January 2010

They Got It!   live link
Followup to previous post

Obamabilia: Royalty-free "Kind Eyes" Already stimulating the Economy   live link
Lighthearted look at campaign kitsch.

Packaging Design 101: Follow through ... with decent glue
On taking good design all the way to the sticky label.

Selling the Shirt Not the Stripey Thing
Profile of e-tailer REMO, for

Asian American Advertising: It's not all about me
Profile of DAE Advertising (San Francisco),

Barack Obama and the Power of Positive Discrimination    live link
He's black, and that's enough for me.

On Not Biting the Feedback that Feeds You   live link
Criticism - it's all good.

My Friend Alison: She's the Real Thoreau   live link
A personal tribute to someone I admire

published articles

From Padlocked Diaries to Powell's Pick: The Willamette Writers Conference
Conference Review, Op-Ed for the Eugene Register-Guard

A Handmade Affair: The Buyer, the Builder, the Bling (story, some photos, video)
Print edition: Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | video
Momentum Planet, Vancouver

Cheap and Choosy: Getting by in the land of the potluck, yoga and tofu | live link
Back to Campus Special : Eugene Weekly

Doing the Dishes in Country Kerry Part I
Escape from America Magazine

A Little Wheel Goes a Long Way   live link web event

Turning 35 in Edinburgh (PDF, page 19) live link for, June 2010

multimedia event reporting: words, photos, movies I'm the cat among the pigeons, filming, interviewing, catching people off guard. The goal: make readers late for work.

A Decade of Fridays A 10-year retrospective of online multimedia content authored by Lynette Chiang for

Mark Mobius on a Friday Interviewing Mutual Funds Guru, Mark Mobius

Little People of America Annual Convention

Bike Across Italy Just words and pictures of a 10-day trip review

advocacy, PR stunts and B2B collaborations Multimedia coverage to inform and inspire

3-way Marketing partnership between a manufacturer, a grocer, a bike shop

A tikit to ride the buses Collaboration with transit authority

The tikitTM on Trial in NYC Getting a folding bike past New York's toughest gatekeepers

Burn Carbs Not Hydrocarbs Symposium Advocacy for sustainable transportation options. In 2008 The Harvard University included her advocacy multimedia in its Public Health and Design curriculums.

Aloha, but not in my Backyard Advocacy for Beach Access in Hawaii

travel writing

Travel Writing Collected multimedia travel articles - words, photo galleries and video

Fisherman and Flashers in County Kerry

Doing the Dishes in County Kerry Part II


April Fool's Day Some serious relationship marketing dressed up as killer pranks

Plumbing the Depths of Joe the Foreign Policy Expert, Oct 2008

book top
cuba cover Foreword award
The Handsomest Man in Cuba: an escapade : official webpage
Published by Random House Australia, Globe-Pequot USA, National Geographic Adventure Press Germany.
Original book layout, jacket design, photography by Lynette Chiang.
New York Times Book Review, 2007 | Buy it

image top

Photography for Bike Friday Catalog covers:
 Bike Friday Catalog cover jeri el-swaify  Bike Friday Catalog cover ralph dobson


Prize-winning shot from the NY 5-Boro Bike Tour. See it bigger.

design top

Original invention: Traffic Cone BagTM
A Galfromdownunder original design, 3-in-1, reversible, proudly made in the New York Garment District. About traffic cone bag
yellow headbadge
Bike Friday Headbadge Design

bf jersey
Bike Friday Map Jersey Made in the USA by VoMax Apparel

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