"Mirror Mirror"

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lyn-alaska lyn-alaska-riding lyn-and-gretchen-bike lyn-and-mum lyn-at-bf-desk
Standing tall among the stunted Douglas Firs (or are they Ponderosa Pine?) above the tundraline in Fairbanks, AK.See Alaska for Beginners on http://www.galfromdownunder.com Another ad for Burley rainjackets. Oh, and Bike Friday of course. See the Alaska for Beginners story on http;//www.galfromdownunder.com for more pics like this. Road testing the 'Eggplant': A Petite Air Friday My 65 year old mum who likes techno! Sydney Airport, 2003. My swivel saddle at Bike Friday where the 'What Do You Do on a Friday' campaign was conceived.
lyn-avalon lyn-blackberry-bramble lyn-books-mosman lyn-cahuita lyn-chac
Chief cook and bottlewash at Avalon Reserve, Costa Rica, 2001. Apaproaching the seat of a Bike Friday Sat R Day at the Blackberry Bramble, Eugene, OR Mosman Library, before the talk to 100 folks. Books waiting to be signed (but sold first!) on behalf of Pages & Pages Bookshop. Hanging out in Cahuita, Costa Rica. Chac, the God of Rain. I thought this was his mouth - it's his eyeball! Mexico, 2004
lyn-desert-camp lyn-dominical lyn-euphoria lyn-florence lyn-ggpark
Riding the Pro Petite (still with fit stem) at the 2005 Pactour/BF Desert Camp in Sierra Vista, AZ.www.bikefriday.com/bf/desertcamp2005 Divine Playa Dominical, Costa Rica. Come to Eugene and have a Euphoria nut-studded chocolate ice cream bar with me. Would you believe I am lying on an Oregon beach near Eugene without polar fleece, mittens and a balaclava? No, I don't believe it either. The day after my Peru Highest Paved Road trip. "Leave me here," told them. And they did. GG park, SF, Nov 2004.