Galfromdownunder's Favorites at MOMA
Copyright Lynette Chiang. See story

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Another famous piece. The Sculture Garden at MOMA. Seemed a bit pedestrian in the light of the new renovation. Art made from what looked like the bottom of steel filing cabinets ... The Bike Friday Twin Air tandem should be here - at least it's made in America. Small town Amercia too. A foldable latex keyboard. Technology geeks with a rubber fetish, rejoice ...
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Cool idea but not very energy conscious! Then again, since when did the rich and art-owning care about energy consciousness? Why do they always need 13 bedrooms? MOMA Design Gallery. An ibook, and those Apple speakers - except, as my friend found, the proprietary plugs broke and he couldn't get replacements. The ibook keypad makes indentations in the screen. Is that good design? The Bike Friday Twin Air - surely deserves a place in the hallowed Hall of Design at MOMA - at least alongside the shower Buf-Puff ..