Bike Friday Downunder 2008 - Sydney
The Galfromdownunder

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REMO, my mother and the tikit! REMO - man with an atypical merchant's mission. REMO and Melanie ponder the wonders of the tikit. A cool gadget just like the stuff they sell in their store. I'm so stoked with the immediacy with which one can whip up a t-shirt using Remo does not suffer from strong branding.
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My first attempt at designing a t-shirt - copy needs tweaking. See improved result... The perfect brekky at Remo's back door - the Bondi Icebergs Club. Liam Kelly (left) of BikeBar, with BF owner and BIKEast leader Adrian Boss - and my ittle yellow Pocket Rocket Pro Petite. It's a real coffee bar at the back of hte bike shop! visit Meeting Caroline Baum, journalist, who reviewed The Handsomest Man in Cuba in 2003 for the Sydney Morning Herald. That's her review on my Blackberry! Visit to see the review. Strida, the folding bike I'd love to have on my wall!
remo-onelesscar-new suv tikit-art-gallery    
My own design on REMO's Design-O-Matic tshirt designer: One less car. One More Parking Space for You. No thanks... I bought a Bike Friday and saved a bunch on gas and car insurance ... Still life with tikitTM - the owners of the very high end Australian Galleries in Paddington had no qualm about letting me and my tiktTM admire their art ...