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REMO, my mother and the tikit! | REMO - man with an atypical merchant's mission. | REMO and Melanie ponder the wonders of the tikit. A cool gadget just like the stuff they sell in their store. | I'm so stoked with the immediacy with which one can whip up a t-shirt using www.remo.com.au | Remo does not suffer from strong branding. |
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My first attempt at designing a t-shirt - copy needs tweaking. See improved result... | The perfect brekky at Remo's back door - the Bondi Icebergs Club. | Liam Kelly (left) of BikeBar, with BF owner and BIKEast leader Adrian Boss - and my ittle yellow Pocket Rocket Pro Petite. It's a real coffee bar at the back of hte bike shop! visit www.bikefriday.com/dealers/bikebar | Meeting Caroline Baum, journalist, who reviewed The Handsomest Man in Cuba in 2003 for the Sydney Morning Herald. That's her review on my Blackberry! Visit www.galfromdownunder.com/cuba to see the review. | Strida, the folding bike I'd love to have on my wall! |
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My own design on REMO's Design-O-Matic tshirt designer: One less car. One More Parking Space for You. | No thanks... I bought a Bike Friday and saved a bunch on gas and car insurance ... | Still life with tikitTM - the owners of the very high end Australian Galleries in Paddington had no qualm about letting me and my tiktTM admire their art ... |