Bike Friday Downunder 2008 - Sydney
The Galfromdownunder

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With an ad industry peer, Siimon Reynolds, who is yet to be persuaded to get on a bike. Can we get Siimon on a tikit? If we can get it in the trunk of his Aston Martin, I don't see why not! At Edgecliff Station, bikes are given a special entrance. Trying to look inconspicuous riding the CityRail. I guess I could have covered the bike, but it's free marketing! A surreal use of little wheels in downtown Sydney. The Chinese onlooker really appreciates the show.
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Visiting Clarence St Cyclery, one of Sydney's oldest and biggest bike shops. Actress Jessica Gower and her director hubby Puven Pather gathered around my pole (which hasn't seen a lot of action since my my mother and I did that course Nothing against the lady in the phot, but really, will someone stop all this stereotyping of seniors? "Yer seat's crooked!" With BIKEast advocates Adrian Boss (beard) and Warren Salomon in Bondi, meeting to plot a mini sustainability symposium and unleash it on the Toorak Tractor driving masses ... I was never a dog person, much less a big dog person ...but these guys had real character.
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It's a horse! You can imagine them guarding the tomb of their master... New World Tourist owner George is into leather... George likes to make these neck pouches to carry your creds. With City of Sydney Transport Planner (Bicycling), Fiona Campbell, after the BikeSydney meeting at the offices of Bicycle NSW. Fiona is a champion of
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My friend, the artist and art director Marie Mansfield, with her Moran exhibited self-portrait "The Twin". Workshopping the streetscape. BF Club of Sydney and BIKEast advocate Adrian Boss making sure he's not mistaken for a cyclist ... except his Friday gives him away. Discovered in Trumper Park, a piece of planted (reforested) wilderness smack amid the chic suburbs of Paddington. Michael and Chris, Woolhara Council Workers and horticulturists, planted these trees 18 years ago! I'm just waiting for someone to come out with plaid plastic pooper scooping bags to match little plaid dog coats etc. Trumper Park, Paddington