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With an ad industry peer, Siimon Reynolds, who is yet to be persuaded to get on a bike. | Can we get Siimon on a tikit? If we can get it in the trunk of his Aston Martin, I don't see why not! | At Edgecliff Station, bikes are given a special entrance. | Trying to look inconspicuous riding the CityRail. I guess I could have covered the bike, but it's free marketing! | A surreal use of little wheels in downtown Sydney. The Chinese onlooker really appreciates the show. |
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Visiting Clarence St Cyclery, one of Sydney's oldest and biggest bike shops. | Actress Jessica Gower and her director hubby Puven Pather gathered around my pole (which hasn't seen a lot of action since my my mother and I did that course http://www.galfromdownunder.com/poledancing | Nothing against the lady in the phot, but really, will someone stop all this stereotyping of seniors? | "Yer seat's crooked!" With BIKEast advocates Adrian Boss (beard) and Warren Salomon in Bondi, meeting to plot a mini sustainability symposium and unleash it on the Toorak Tractor driving masses ... | I was never a dog person, much less a big dog person ...but these guys had real character. |
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It's a horse! | You can imagine them guarding the tomb of their master... | New World Tourist owner George is into leather... | George likes to make these neck pouches to carry your creds. | With City of Sydney Transport Planner (Bicycling), Fiona Campbell, after the BikeSydney meeting at the offices of Bicycle NSW. Fiona is a champion of www.bikebus.org |
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My friend, the artist and art director Marie Mansfield, with her Moran exhibited self-portrait "The Twin". | Workshopping the streetscape. | BF Club of Sydney and BIKEast advocate Adrian Boss making sure he's not mistaken for a cyclist ... except his Friday gives him away. | Discovered in Trumper Park, a piece of planted (reforested) wilderness smack amid the chic suburbs of Paddington. Michael and Chris, Woolhara Council Workers and horticulturists, planted these trees 18 years ago! | I'm just waiting for someone to come out with plaid plastic pooper scooping bags to match little plaid dog coats etc. Trumper Park, Paddington |