The Handsomest Man in Cuba - Australian Book Tour, Jul 28-Aug 9, 2003
Copyright 2003 All rights reserved

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bf-at-cosmos bris-airport bris-les-malcolm bris-sebel cosmos-bookshop
The 'unobtrusive and ever ready traveling companion' looking very obtrusive at the Cosmos Book store, St Kilda Melbourne, launch. Breakfast in the Qantas Club Lounge, courtesy of publicist Penny Page's stellar corporate standing ... the only way to dash for a plane .. I'll just have to get me a real job... Riverbend Bookshop Brisbane: Cousin Leslie and Malcolm drove up from the Gold Coast especially. Amiga Erica is the blonde in the black leather jacket at the back. Publicist Penny Page checking us in at the swank Sebel Hotel, Brisbane. A far cry from Lolita's house (p 93 in the book). Not sure I quite deserve all this! Cosmos Bookshop Melbourne: A bit blurry but there's Mick Jamieson (, Cousin Trish & Michael, Carl Hemmings, John Harland, Tom.
dymocks-talk-melb family-first-book-launch good-morning-oz1 good-morning-oz2 lyn-books-mosman
Dymocks Flagship store: Old buddies showed up: Nigel Yandle, Angelika and Fred Surr , president of the Melbourne Bicycle Touring Club, then me and Random House publicist Penny Page. July 28 03: My extended family plus some at the Mosmon Library/Pages&Pages Bookshop signing. CW from L: Nic, Elisa, Mum, Gillian, Scott, Louise, Dad, David, Chris, Janette, Anne, Andy, friend, Robert, Michael, Fabian, Lynette, Nada Good Morning Australia: a daytime TV show for persons of leisure. Showing host Bert Newton the Bike Friday fold. Good Morning Australia: "What do you think of Fidel?" Bert asked me. Ummm errr ahhh... Tim said he wishes the bike had a kickstand... Mosman Library, before the talk to 100 folks. Books waiting to be signed (but sold first!) on behalf of Pages & Pages Bookshop.
lyn-signing-1 lyn-signing-2 nigel peking-duck pro-in-stripe-bag
Looking haggard after the talk to 100 folk, ready to sign books, in this case that of old buddy Greg Macainsh! I wrote:"This book cost 3x Lolita's monthly salary (p93). Please enjoy.La China, jul 28, 2003"in most books. Oh, and a Bike Friday flyer went into each one of course! Old buddy from my IT contracting days at Civil Aviation Canberra, Nigel Yandle, with less hair but no less gusto. Seen in Pelligrini's Melbourne, where the lasagne, creme caramel and fruit cup are as they were 10 years ago. The best meal of the trip, righ OK, I admit it. We had Peking Duck. It'll probably come out of my royalties... Forgot to bring the soft bag for the Pro Petite. This seemed to work...