Alaska... where people are bold, said customerLeslie Howard | Derek and Leslie Howard, BF hosts in Anchorage | Derek and Leslie each have a drop bar New World Tourist | Crystal and Spencer Howard can't wait to get theirhands on those little wheeled bikes |
Winter comes fast to Anchorage... | Spencer reckons the Air Llama is going to behis next bike | Lynetteadvertising Bike Friday Crusoeand Burley jackets | Hey, Lynette's bike fits me and she's at leastfour times older than me! |
Jim Burkholder is first to arrive at the inauguralBike Friday Club of Anchorage ride | Bike Friday Club of Anchorage, Aug 2002 | Passerby Julia Sanchez: "Are you sure I can travelwith it?" | Anchorage social ride on the Tony Knowles Trail... |
Moose! | Tim Link, Moose and Arctic Bike Club BoardMember David Predeger - "hurry up and take the %$#@ photo!" | Dr Jerome List with matching Air Llama and plane | On the trail |
On the trail | Dick Bruce was there | The Bicycle Shop, Anchorage, prospective dealer | Great turn out for the Cuba by 'Friday Slide Showat The Bicycle Shop... |
Great turn out for the Cuba by 'Friday SlideShow... | Prospective dealer The Bicycle Shop in Anchorage... manager Ray Clayton on the right | What a welcome at Fairbanks Airport! | RockyReifenstuhl, überathlete and multiple winner of the hardcoreIditasport race. Can we get him to do it on a Friday? |
Taxi from the airport | AllWeather Sports, world renowned winter sports specialists | Larry Knapman and his SatRDay | Bike Friday Club of Fairbanks... |
"OY! Get a bike!!!!" | Can I beat Simon's SEVEN? | Larry wins the sprint against a Colnago | Nina Tartakoff and Richard Kemnitz with his'n'hermatching PocketLlamas... |
Rocky and Gail Reifenstuhl can't exactly rideRocky's Air Glidetogether ... | At Janet North and Robert Bogucki's ridgetophideout in Fairbanks, Alaska. | Northernmost Bike Friday service call | Larry shows the Fairbanks folk how it's done.. |
First-time fascination | "This one is even MORE fun!" | Not bad for a first timer... | "I've been looking at these for years. Now I wantone." |
Oy, what's this then? | Fairbanks demo... "that old guy could be amillionaire..." | When she's not being school counsellor at LathropHigh School, Nina Tartakoff rides her BF in Mexico... | BeaverSports, Fairbanks, prospective dealer |
Someone doesn't like having McDonald's for aneighbor | A 'vole', or tailless mouse | Displaying your wares... Alaskan style | Alaska up close |
Alaska up close | Monet in Anchorage | View from Janet's ridgetop rustic paradise | That's one serious tarp... |
Guest tent: surprisingly stormproof and mooseproof | AllWeather Sports big fat rim for snow and tundra... | AllWeather Sports big fat rims | AllWeather Sports big fat rims |
"Yes, Simon, I think the world would be a farbetter place with big fat rims...". |